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Raised to Obey: The Rise and Spread of Mass Education. 2024. Princeton University Press. Order on Amazon.




Latin America's Education Systems in Comparative Perspective, 1945-2021: Patterns and Puzzles (with Katy Norris). Forthcoming. In Skills and Values: The Political Economy of Education in Latin America, edited by Juan Bogliaccini and Aldo Madariaga. Oxford University Press. (pdf)


The Historical Political Economy of Education. 2022. In The Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy, edited by Jeffery Jenkins and Jared Rubin. Oxford University Press. (pdf) (html)


Education or Indoctrination? The Violent Origins of Public School Systems in an Era of State-Building. 2022. American Political Science Review 116(4): 1242-1257.  (pdf) (html) (appendix


- APSA Heinz I. Eulau Award for the best article published in the APSR in 2022

APSA Comparative Politics Section's Luebbert Best Article Honorable Mention

- Fiona McGillivray Award for the best Political Economy paper, APSA 2018


The Non-Democratic Roots of Mass Education: Evidence from 200 Years. 2021. American Political Science Review 115(1): 179-198. (pdf) (html including Annotations for Transparent Inquiry) (appendix) (corrigendum)


- APSA Democracy and Autocracy Section's Best Article Award

- Michael Wallerstein Award for best Political Economy article 

- Mary Parker Follett Award for best Politics and History article 

- Best Comparative Policy Paper Award, APSA 2019  


Public-Sector Unions and the Size of Government. 2019. American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 21-36. (pdf)


- Dorothy Day Award for best labor politics paper, APSA 2016

- APPAM 2013 exemplary research on the politics of policymaking

- Media coverage: Washington Post, The Economist, POLITICO, NBC News, ABC WJLA, Education WeekGoverning Magazine, Bloomberg


We Have History - and How it Changed Me. 2019. In Eugene Finkel, Adria Lawrence, and Andrew Mertha, eds. CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association 29(2): 18-25. (pdf)


Understanding Human Resources in Broad-Access Higher Education (with Susanna Loeb and Eric Taylor). 2014. In Remaking College: The Changing Ecology of Higher Education, edited by Mitchell Stevens and Michael Kirst. Stanford University Press.


The Early Childhood Care and Education Workforce from 1990 through 2010: Changing Dynamics and Persistent Concerns (with Daphna Bassok, Susanna Loeb, and Maria Fitzpatrick). 2013. Education Finance and Policy 8(4): 581-601.




When Does Education Promote Democracy? The Role of Curriculum Reforms (pdf) 


Democracy and the Politicization of Education (with Anja Neundorf and Wooseok Kim). (pdf)


Education to Empower or Control? Textbooks in the U.S. after the Civil Rights Movement. In preparation for the Journal of Historical Political Economy's special issue on the historical political economy of race. (pdf) 


The Political Economy of National School Curricula: Evidence from Argentina and Chile, 1860-1970 (with Jennifer Guevara and Camila Pérez Navarro) (pdf)


Is Universal Preschool More Resilient to Budget Cuts than Targeted? Evidence from the Great Recession (with Erica Greenberg and Sam Williams) (new draft coming soon)


Durable Goods for Enduring Voters? Evidence from a School Construction Program in Argentina (pdf)


Teacher Unions and Education Reform in Argentina (pdf)


How Data Collection Methods Affect Inferences (with Adrian del Rio, Wooseok Kim, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Eugenia Nazrullaeva, and Anja Neundorf)




Education and the State in Comparative Perspective (article commissioned by the Annual Review of Political Science)


Teacher Unions Around the World (with Justin Sandefur and Susannah Hares)​


Political Determinants of Education Quality (based on the Historical Education Quality Database) 




What Matters Most for Teacher Policies (with Emiliana Vegas, Susanna Loeb, Pilar Romaguera, Nicole Goldstein, Alejandro Ganimian, Andrew Trembley, and Analia Jaimovich). 2013. SABER Working Paper Series. The World Bank. (pdf)


Political Economy of Education: A Framework and Some Hypotheses on the Feasibility of Reform (with Felipe Barrera-Osorio and Diego Jorrat). 2010. Background Paper for the World Bank Education Sector Strategy 2020. (pdf)


School Inspection, Evaluation, and Support Policies: A Guide for Policy Dialogue. 2010. The World Bank. (pdf)


Design of a New Institutional Arrangement for Education Quality Assurance: Lessons for Chile from International and Local Experiences (with Emiliana Vegas). 2010. The World Bank. (pdf)

Assistant Professor
University of California, San Diego
Department of Political Science &
School of Global Policy and Strategy
twitter: @aspaglayan

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